vuShield Security System
  • What is the vuShield Security Software?
The vuShield Security System is a sophisticated Video Alarm software application together with some associated hardware and services. It has a large number of advanced features, which allow it be configured for many different applications. It is not just another Video Surveillance system but also fulfills a different security role of automatically detecting, recording and notifying security events together with remote real-time surveillance. It has been developed by an established software vendor, NetSoft Distributed Solutions Pty Ltd as their flagship software product. A separate organisation "vuShield Security System" markets and supports the software and its associated systems and services. The vuShield Security Software has been under active development for six years and has been successfully used in commercial installations for the past three years. It is continually being enhanced and tested.
  • Where can I use the vuShield Security Software?
The vuShield Security System can be used as a kind of security "toolkit" to solve a range of different security requirements. In many situations it can replace human operators with a low-cost automated system without compromising essential capabilities. If a customer requires video footage of a security event together with immediate notification, then this can be provided by the vuShield Security System completely automatically without human operators. If a customer requires that their security system provide different functionality at different times then this can also be provided by the vuShield Security System completely automatically using its sophisticated integrated scheduler.
  • Why should I use the vuShield Security Software?
Existing Video Surveillance security systems require expensive software. They are usually sold together with an even more expensive 24/7 "back-to-base" monitoring contract using human operators. We believe that in many instances this is unneccessary and unwarranted and that the vuShield Security System can provide a more effective and cheaper solution.